Our vision at La Palomilla is to provide sustainable hospitality.

We continually seek new ways to enhance our environmental stewardship. By choosing to stay with us, our guests are not only enjoying a memorable experience but also supporting a bed and breakfast that prioritizes the health of our planet.

What La Palomilla is and does:

Zero plastic

  • Instead of plastic bottles we serve clean purified water in each room in glass pitchers.

  • All our amenities are natural ingredients, eco friendly, local (and high end) and served in glass containers.

  • Our soap doesn’t have a plastic wrap, instead, it has an organic ribbon as a wrapping.

  • We separate trash.

  • The trash bags we use are biodegradable.

Architecture and design

  • Our bed frames, tables, chairs and the dining room table are made with recycled materials and repurposed wood.

  • The lighting in the downstairs patio is made from recycled metal strainers.

  • To use less water we have cactus on the upstairs terrace.

  • We maintain the house cool with brick architecture and fans.

Breakfast service

  • We use the fruit that was left over from breakfast to make fruit juices for the afternoon.

  • We have a zero waste policy. We serve smaller portions to promote less wasted food.

  • We make our own homemade products, like granola, jams, cookies and goodies.

  • We adapt our menu to each guest: vegetarian, gluten free, vegan, lactose intolerant, and all allergies considered.

    We plant ingredients offsite and bring them to Mexico City. For example: lemons, oranges, tangerines, limes, mint, berries, oranges, apples and seasonal fruits and veggies.


We offer a range of activities designed to immerse you in the unique culture and sustainability efforts of our region:

  • Xochimilco Tour: where you can witness the fascinating floating gardens. Learn how ingredients for Pujol and other Enrique Olvera restaurants are cultivated and brought from farm to table.

  • We assist with reservations at renowned dining establishments, including Pujol, Molino El Pujol, and Eno.

Together, we can make a meaningful impact. Thank you for joining us in our commitment to sustainability and helping us take care of the Earth.


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